We improve outcomes for young children birth to age eight and their families by advancing the alignment, coordination, and efficiency of programs and services.

Smiling Boy

The Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC) is Colorado’s federally- authorized state advisory council for early childhood. The role of the ECLC is to be a statewide leader, subject matter expert and champion of best and promising practices throughout the state.

The ECLC is statutorily charged to:

  • Assist public and private agencies in coordinating efforts to enhance alignment, which includes collaboration among six state departments.

  • Advise and make recommendations to the Department of Early Childhood and other state agencies.

  • Develop strategies and monitor efforts to increase the access, quality and equity of services and supports on behalf of pregnant women and people and children birth through age eight.

all children are valued, healthy and thriving

Two parents holding their baby and smiling

ECLC Review

The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform is currently conducting a sunset review of the Early Childhood Leadership Commission as described in section 2-3-1203 of the Colorado Revised Statutes.  Analysis is performed to determine if the Commission is necessary and should be continued or repealed. Provide input on this review.

We want to hear from you. Please provide feedback.

For additional information regarding the ECLC, please contact shannonm.wilson@state.co.us.